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Data Portal Details
If it connects to a web API, then this setting indicates the rest of the Url needed. (eg. '/api/data') The root of the URL is kept in the Data Connection. The web server at that url should handle this DataPortal.
The Data Portal needs to be saved before adding parameters.
Formula Parameters
Formula Parameters are pieces of data which are
passed into the Data Portal.
This custom data is normally read from the
spreadsheet, based on parameters of an Interject
Excel formula.
This is different from a 'System Parameter' which is
This custom data is normally read from the spreadsheet, based on parameters of an Interject Excel formula.
This is different from a 'System Parameter' which is pre-configured.
System Parameters
System Parameters are pieces of data which are
automatically passed into the Data Portal from the
Interject System. Choose from the list of
pre-configured system parameter types.
This data normally comes from the context of the
user, context of the Excel report environment, or a
specific Interject component. (eg. User Login Name,
Local TimeZone Offset)
This is different from a customized 'Formula
This data normally comes from the context of the user, context of the Excel report environment, or a specific Interject component. (eg. User Login Name, Local TimeZone Offset)
This is different from a customized 'Formula Parameter'.
This System Parameter has settings that differ from the current standard. This can happen when viewing an older parameter that exists for backwards compatibility. This might also cause errors. It is the best practice to update DataPortals, APIs, and Database procedures to use the current System Parameter settings. To update the Data Portal Paremeter itself, delete this parameter, and add the correct replacement parameter from the selection list.
This parameter "" is not among the current System Parameters.
This parameter uses a Data Type that is non standard.
This parameter uses a Direction that is non standard.